How To Manifest Weight Loss And Changes To Your Physical Appearance
Manifesting weight loss and changes to your physical appearance is a very REAL thing.
In fact, using manifestation and the law of attraction is actually a NECESSARY thing, if you want to see any kind of significant change or transformation in yourself.
How To Discover Your Soul’s Purpose Using Manifestation
Discovering your soul’s purpose is a topic very close to my heart because, for many years, this was something I struggled with myself…
A Simple Gratitude Ritual To Keep Your Thoughts Positive & Vibe High
Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest ways to raise your vibration.
Not only does it help you to REFOCUS your thoughts, it helps you stay in ATTRACTING MODE while manifesting…
How I Manifested Over $4k In Free Items - In Just 7 days!
If you’ve ever asked the question:
Does manifesting really work?
I’ve got a story that proves that it does...
How I Manifested Over $4k in Free Items in just 7 Days!
4 Steps To Manifest Money - FAST
We have all had moments in our lives where we need to Manifest Money Quickly.
But the problem with this is;
When we are stressed and anxious about money, we actually lower our vibration and make it harder to RECEIVE it!
Can You Jinx Your Manifesting?
If you’ve ever wondered if you have “jinxed” something, then it’s likely you’re the type of person to say “touch wood” or even throw salt over your left shoulder from time to time.
And while according to the Oxford Dictionary the term “Jinx” means: “a person or thing that brings bad luck”, when we use the term in conjunction with manifesting we are usually referring to the fact that we believe we have sabotaged our manifesting efforts as a result of talking about them.
3 Reasons I LOVE Mercury Retrograde - & How You Can Too!
Mercury Retrograde - Yes, it’s that time of year again.
Now, you would think being a Gemini that I would despise this time (given it’s my ruling planet and all) but actually, that’s not the case.
In fact, I have come to LOVE and even THRIVE during Mercury Retrograde and I’ll explain why…
Manifesting Your Ideal Pregnancy, Birth & A Baby (Using The Law Of Attraction)
Manifesting pregnancy and a baby might not be the most common thing that comes to mind when thinking about the law of attraction, but it’s becoming increasingly popular as more and more people see incredible results!
And while the idea of using manifestation techniques to help you fall pregnant might seem far fetched, or even like it’s “going against nature”, I can assure you it’s not.
Just as you can use manifestation to help you attract money and love, so too can you use it to help you to manifest your ideal pregnancy and birth.
A Simple Process To Deal With Setbacks When Manifesting
One of the things that can really bring us down when we’re manifesting is dealing with setbacks and disappointments.
We can go from feeling as high as a kite to down right dreadful in a very short space of time.
And the problem with this is; these setbacks and disappointments often create negative emotions that then effect our ability to manifest.
So today I want to share with you a simple (yet powerful) exercise from my new manifesting course The Surrender Approach™.
How To Deal With Fear & Negative Thoughts When Manifesting
Dealing with fear and negative thoughts when you’re manifesting is completely normal.
In fact, one of the MOST common questions I get asked as a Manifestation Coach is:
How do I stop my fearful and negative thoughts when I am trying to manifest something?
To help my clients (and myself) with this issue I have come up with a simple 4 step process that you can use anytime, anywhere to put fear in its place and have you feeling positive again!