How To Manifest Weight Loss And Changes To Your Physical Appearance

A picture of Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine sitting on a yoga mat in her gym gear talking about how to manifest weight loss and changes to your appearance

Using the law of attraction to manifest weight loss and changes to your physical appearance is a very REAL thing. In fact, using manifestation for weight loss is a NECESSARY thing, if you want to see any kind of significant change or transformation in yourself.

And this is because; 

You can’t keep looking at what is, thinking about what is, and expect your reality to change.

Instead, you need to focus your attention on where it is you want to be!

And I know this first-hand because, (although I have always had a small and slender frame), before I became a manifestation coach, my life used to be very different in terms of my health, weight and physical appearance.

➤ I carried more weight (I was a couple of dress sized heavier)

➤ I was always really bloated in the face

➤ I had terrible digestive issues, no energy


➤ I was heavily addicted to sugar (I would eat a packet or more of lollies every day!)

And no matter how hard I tried (or what diet trick I used) the results were only very temporary - due to the fact I was focusing primarily on the PROBLEM 🙄.

 In the end it was my use of the law of attraction that enabled me to manifest the weight loss and physical changes that I desired.

And it’s not just me experiencing the transformation like this. Check out these actual weight loss results from my manifestation students and clients…

Serena manifested her dream body in her 40’s - exactly as she depicted on her vision board!

A picture of a testimonial from Serena showing her new toned body next to the picture she had placed on her vision board that she wanted to manifest

Brandy manifested a 120 pound weight loss!

A screenshot from a testimonial from Brandy who explains how she manifested a 120 pound weight loss and is now dancing all the time

Lisa manifested weight loss and becoming a dress size 4!

Phillip discovered how to stay leaner while working out less!

A screenshot of a testimonial from Phillip who describes how he found it easer to stay leaner and more muscular while working out less using manifestation.

If you’re interested in learning exactly HOW I used the law of attraction to manifest weight loss (including more real life results from my clients and students) - keep reading below…

How To Manifest Weight Loss & Changes To Your Physical Appearance

Step 1. Decide 

The first step in being able to manifest what you want in the physical is to DECIDE that this is what you want!

This is often an overlooked part of manifesting (but one that needs to be given serious consideration), because you need to have a certain level of CONVICTION in order to be able to attract what you want.

Or to put it another way...

You can’t be “wishy washy” with the universe and expect to get anything back but “wishy washy” results!

Which is precisely why you see people create the biggest changes and transformations in their life after they hit bottom. 

Because “hitting bottom” was what enabled them to DECIDE - with their whole being - that this was what they truly wanted. 

And in the end, it was the ENERGY behind that decision that gave them the M O M E N T U M necessary to manifest the changes they desired.

A purple and gray infographic that says “Manifesting Weight Loss Step 1. Decide”

Step 2. Focus on the result YOU DESIRE, not the problem

After you have made the decision that this is truly what you want, you then need to focus all of your attention on the end result you desire, not the “problem” you are experiencing.

And what I mean by this is👇🏼

You can’t keep thinking about how much you desire to lose weight, and make changes to your appearance to become beautiful, and expect it to happen.

 Because you’re thinking about weight loss (or what you don’t like about your appearance), is actually just MAGNIFYING the energy of the problem 😩

This is why you need to SHIFT your focus to the end result you desire.

And the best way to do this is by creating a powerful vision board because it will help ANCHOR you to your end goal setting you up for success right from the start!

If you need help creating a vision board that gets MAXIMUM results come and check out my Free Vision Board Masterclass where I share my biggest secrets for creating a board that will help you ALIGN with your desires easily and effortlessly.

Once your board is completed you then need to carve out time each day to practice; SEEING, SENSING and FEELING your new reality.

Because this is what is going to help you draw your manifestations to you!

One of the ways I personally love to do this is by imagining my body becoming stronger, leaner and more toned everyday when I go for my afternoon walk.

With each step I take, I practice; seeing, sensing and feeling my body transform into the image on my vision board. I’ll even repeat specific weight loss affirmations as I do this.

A purple and gray infographic that says “Manifesting Weight Loss Step 2.Focus on the result, not the problem”

Step 3. Act on your intuitive impulses

After you have shifted your focus and started seeing, sensing and feeling your new reality, you will have done something very important.

You will have 👇🏼


And with that, something incredibly MAGICAL will start to happen.

Your intuition will begin to guide you to exactly what it is you need to do in order to see your desires manifest.

Which is a key part in getting the law of attraction to work for you!

This could be in the form of:

✔︎ A new eating regime.

✔︎ A specific supplement.

✔︎ A certain beauty treatment.

✔︎ Working with a coach or health professional.

✔︎ Trying a different type of exercise.

It could even be as simple as the desire to drink more water or using a weight loss calculator!

And the beautiful thing about knowing how to tune-in and act on your intuitive impulses is that it's very rarely “hard”.

Because the things that you feel drawn to, are the ones that you are already ALIGNED to, and therefore will give you the easiest and quickest results. 

A purple and gray infographic that says “Manifesting Weight Loss Step 3. Act on your intuitive impulses”

Step 4. Bring ALL parts of yourself into energetic alignment

One of the things I teach my students in my manifesting course is that you need ALL parts of yourself to be in energetic alignment in order for your desires to manifest easily and effortlessly.

And what I am referring to here, is making sure that your thoughts and habits match this new version of yourself and the life you want to create.

For example: If you desire to manifest beauty and better health you need to work on your mindset and daily actions!

How to manifest beauty using the law of attraction

This means transforming any limiting beliefs you have about yourself, your weight, (even starting to see yourself as beautiful!), and eliminating all self-sabotaging behaviour.

Because at the end of the day, the more you can change what you are thinking and doing on a daily basis, the quicker you will manifest the weight loss and physical changes you desire. 

A purple and gray infographic that says “Manifesting Weight Loss Step 4. Bring all parts of yourself into energetic alignment”

Step 5. Let it go!

Lastly, you need to be able to “let go” of your manifestations. 

You can’t be obsessed with making changes to your physical appearance because that energy will keep you trapped in a constant state of WANTING

A purple and gray infographic that says “Manifesting Weight Loss Step 5.Let it go”

When I applied all of the above steps I was able to manifest some incredible changes to my physical appearance in a way that felt easy and effortless.

✔︎ Lost weight.

✔︎ Eliminated the bloat in my face.

✔︎ Was able to grow my hair long and have it stay thick and healthy.

✔︎ My nails became stronger.

✔︎ My skin got clearer.

✔︎ My eyes were more sparkly.

✔︎ I improved my digestion and started sleeping deeply.

A picture of Juliette Kristine doing yoga by the pool reflecting on the healthy lifestyle changes she manifested

And, when I reflect back on these changes I can clearly see that;

♥︎ Using manifestation and the law of attraction as the primary way to change my appearance meant that I was acting from a place of LOVE (guided by my intuition) rather than trying to force myself to stick to a specific diet, exercise regime or crazy beauty treatment!

And in the end this meant the changes I made were aligned and long lasting.

Below are examples from my clients and students manifesting their own incredible results!

Manifesting Weight Loss Results:

A picture of Erica with a written testimonial of how she manifested a 10 pound weight loss which she had been trying to lose for years.
A picture of Kate and her story of manifesting a 10 kg weight loss in just a few weeks
A picture of Seli and the dream body she manifested which was on her vision board
A student testimonial about manifested her dream body

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

If you’re looking to take the next step on your journey to manifesting weight loss and physical changes I HIGHLY recommend signing up for my Free Vision Board Masterclass .

This training will provide you with key information on how to create a powerful vision board to depict your goals so you can begin to manifest with more ease 🍃

Juliette xx