A Simple Gratitude Ritual To Keep Your Thoughts Positive & Vibe High
Practicing gratitude is one of the quickest ways to increase your manifesting powers because it does one very simple thing…
It raises your vibration
And not only that but, it helps you to REFOCUS your thoughts and energy so you can stay in ATTRACTING MODE.
This is really important when you’re manifesting because you need to keep your vibration at a steady signal in order to see your desires manifest.
And even though I teach manifesting for a living this is STILL something I am continuously working on.
In fact, just recently I found myself in a low-vibe state where I was unable to attract anything and it felt as though my manifesting had S.T.A.L.L.E.D.
But rather than let the situation get the better of me I came up with a simple daily gratitude ritual to keep my thoughts positive and vibration high.
A Simple Daily Gratitude Ritual To Keep Your Thoughts Positive and Vibration High
Part 1. What Are the positives?
The first part of the gratitude ritual is to simply ask yourself: What are the positives?
So whenever you notice yourself starting to get into a negative headspace you STOP and ask yourself: What are the positives about this situation?
An example of how I applied this in my own life recently was when I felt myself getting into a negative spiral thinking about….
➤ How tired I felt.
➤ How hard it is being a new mum.
➤ And, how exhausted I felt having to get up to my little teething baby several times a night!
As soon as I noticed this happening I STOPPED myself in my tracks and asked:
What are the positives about this situation?
And the answer I received was;
✔︎ All of these “night wakings” means I get to spend all of this extra special time with my baby girl while she’s so little.
✔︎ I actually don’t have to work right now, its ok (and good for me) to be on maternity leave.
✔︎ I’m lucky to have such a wonderful caring and supportive husband.
✔︎ This experience is making me GROW - its actually forced me to get back on track with my meditation, yoga and spiritual practice.
✔︎ And lastly, this situation is enabling me to lead in a more authentic way rather than painting the picture that successful manifesting is always sunflowers and lollipops.
Part 2. Presence
The second part of gratitude ritual is practicing presence.
This can be as simple as;
✔︎ Taking a moment to appreciate the smell of flowers blooming.
✔︎ Savouring your favourite cup of tea or coffee.
✔︎ Enjoying a massage.
✔︎ Or in my case, watching my baby smile
Now, the reason practicing presence is such a key part in getting yourself out of a low vibe state is because;
It helps you to BREAK THE CYCLE of negative thinking.
It brings you into the present moment where none of your so called “problems” exist and allows you to enter a more surrendered state around your desires.
Part 3. 3 Things you’re grateful for.
The last part of the gratitude ritual is to say 3 x things you are grateful for that happened that day.
This is a family tradition I came up with after my baby was born to help teach her about gratitude.
And the way that I have been practicing this is;
Every evening when my husband and I sit down for dinner, we each say 3 x things we are grateful for that happened that day.
What makes this process so powerful is that, no matter how “hard” you felt your day was, you are forced to find the positives that occurred and as a result of doing this you actually SHIFT your focus and change your perspective so you finish the day FEELING GOOD rather than FEELING BAD.
And not only that but; the other reasons I LOVE this part of the ritual is because;
✔︎ It’s a bonding exercise that fosters sharing and communication.
✔︎ It doesn’t require you to set time aside, have a pen and paper handy, or meditate prior so you can’t find excuses to skip it!
✔︎ It can become a family tradition to teach your children about gratitude.
✔︎ And lastly, it’s SO SIMPLE and that’s exactly what you need when you find yourself in a negative low vibe state...
SIMPLE, GENTLE tools that you can use to help you REFOCUS your thoughts and SHIFT your vibration.
As always I hope you enjoyed this post, and I would love to hear from you.
Tell me in the comments below… What part of this ritual are you going to start practicing to keep your thoughts positive and vibe high?
Juliette xx
PS Have you downloaded a copy of my FREE Mini Manifesting Ritual? Its a quick and easy way to alter your vibration so you can attract what you want!