Business Vision Board Example PLUS Everything I've Manifested!

A business vision board example by award winning manifestation coach Juliette Kristine containing images of various things she wants to manifest


Vision Boards can be incredibly powerful manifesting tools.

But in order to get them to work properly for you, you also need to do the correct energetic work to back them up!

Which is why today I thought I’d share a more intimate post with you…

One that gives you a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at one of my recent business focused vision boards, (all the juicy details about what I have manifested!), plus the extra steps that I took to make my desires materialise!

If you’ve ever wondered what the vision board of an Award Winning Manifestation Coach looks like, (and just how powerful they can be), keep reading below...

Top 12 Manifestations from my recent Business Vision Board 

Example of a business vision board that resulted in the manifestation of; a new home, financial abundance, high-end clients, career success and more…

For a little bit of background…

I created this vision board to focus on manifesting; career success, uplevelling my coaching business, financial abundance, a new home, and freedom to spend more time with my family/doing what I love!

For “fun” I also played with the intention of manifesting as many things as I could for free.

Here’s what happened…

1. I doubled my business income

One of the biggest achievements and manifestations I experienced since creating this vision board is that I doubled my income.

And not only that, but it happened during COVID and within the first 6 months of returning to work after having a baby!

If you look at the example of my vision board you will notice images where I mention ‘being rewarded abundantly for my work’ as well as numerous references to living a more abundant/luxurious lifestyle (yes, I like fancy things! 👠🍾🌴). 

So what were the additional steps I took to make this manifestation a reality?

There were 2 main steps that I took 👇🏻

Firstly, I did a lot of work to change my thoughts, habits and environment to match that of the person on my vision board so I was embodying the energetic frequency of someone who had ALREADY manifested what I wanted (which is a big part of what I teach in my manifesting course).

Secondly I made sure I removed any energetic blocks that were getting in the way of me attracting more success and abundance so both my Conscious and Subconscious Mind were in ALIGNMENT with what I was trying to create (now I’m booked out 4 months in advance in my private coaching business!).

Images taken from a real life vision board with successful results for attracting abundance and money.

2. I Manifested LOTS of Free Stuff (over $5k!)

Within a week of creating my vision board I attracted over $4,000 worth of free things including: free travel, free coaching, a free pram, free movie ticket and free pizza!

*Notice how I wrote the words “It’s Free!” on the left hand side of my board this was done strategically.

What helped me to attract so many free things was being in the right vibration to RECEIVE!

Focusing on my energy, making sure my vibration was as high while playing a little game with the universe to see how many things I could attract for FREE! 💫.


3. I manifested my second World Wide Number 1 Google Ranking

If you look closely at my board you will notice that I had placed the words “winner” a gold medal, the number 1 next to my manifesting course The Surrender Approach and just 5 months after creating my board my course hit number 1 on Google.

One of the tricks I used to help attract this was using powerful one word mantras that I would repeat again and again, when in a high-vibe state.


4. I manifested a new home in a completely different state

This was probably one of the biggest manifestations from my board because I didn’t just want to manifest a new home.

I wanted to move to a completely new area.

And not only that but I wanted a change of lifestyle!

I wanted to have more time to spend together as a family. To live somewhere warm and by the sea 🌞🐋!

And most importantly, I wanted our new home to feel ABUNDANT and EXPANSIVE.

So I REVERSE ENGINEERED this manifestation by embodying the feelings of abundance and expansion in my current life, while using a process I teach called magnetising 🎧.

The result?

We manifested a new home in a completely different state (that barely experiences winter!), into a luxurious 5 bedroom house that looks identical to the picture on my business vision board example👇🏻.

Manifesting a new home using a vision board…

5. I was nominated for an award

Just a few months after placing this exact award on my vision board I found out I had been nominated for it! 

While I didn’t win the award, this is still an incredible manifestation because it directly relates to me manifesting career success and being recognised for my work.

This manifestation was largely due to me putting in a lot of work to create a manifesting course that was unique, delivered great results, while also working on my own energy and vibration.


6. I UP-LEVELLED my coaching business

Another intention I had when creating this board was to up-level my coaching business to service more VIP Coaching clients.

*Specifically I wanted to attract more successful entrepreneurs who wanted to take their businesses to the next level.

6 months after creating my vision board I had a string of high profile coaching clients…

These included; a successful music producer, CEO’s, multi 6 figure coaches, female business leaders and published authors. 

Now a big part of the work I do is Intuitive Business Consulting for successful female entrepreneurs.

One of the steps I took to make this a reality was writing a manifestation list for the type of client I wanted and then sending my energy out to call them in ✨.

*You can find out more about my list writing technique here.


7. I started working smarter, not harder!

The reason why I had placed the words ‘EASE & IMPACT’ on my board is because I knew that having a baby would change the way I worked but at the same time, I did not want this to slow the growth of my business.

 As a result of this vision board and I am now in a position where I am able to leverage my time by serving people, not just through private coaching, but through my manifesting course as well.

I also have a string of new projects in the pipeline that are set to launch next year.

This is manifestation is largely due to me following my intuition and using it to make good business decisions 🙏🏼.


8. I manifested a lifestyle change

When I created this board I had just given birth to my baby and really wanted to make shifts in my life so I could spend more time together as a family.

After leaving Sydney and moving to the beautiful Burleigh Beach we now live a much more relaxed lifestyle…

Most mornings my husband and I go for a walk by the ocean to spend 1:1 time together, and in the afternoons we take our daughter to the beach to having fun together as a family.

One of the tools I used to enhance this manifestation is my personal affirmation:

“My life is like a holiday!”


9. I manifested people to support me

One of the first rules of growing a successful business is to have the right people to support you (especially when you have a baby!).

Since creating this vision board I manifested; a nanny (who also cleans), a babysitter (on standby), as well as a superstar VA so I can spend time on my ‘zone of genius’ and show up for my clients in the best way possible.

And I used the exact same manifesting techniques as I did to help me manifest the VIP coaching clients!


10. I manifested media appearances

I manifested multiple media appearances in Women’s Health Magazine, Well + Good & The Every Girl. The amazing thing about this particular manifestation is they all approached me!

I didn’t have to hustle or come up with ways to pitch myself.

Instead, I worked on seeing myself featured in the media, made sure my energy was ALIGNED with my creation, and let the universe take care of the rest.

11. I Manifested My Home Office sanctuAry

Another thing I desired to manifest in relation to my business was a home office sanctuary that was beautifully decorated and could act as my own private space to focus on my business.

I ended up manifesting the perfect decor and furniture (with ease!) to replicate the style on my board.

12. A Range Rover

The last thing that manifested was a new car (a Range Rover) that was everything my husband and I had asked for on our manifestation list.

This was a significant as my husband and I had both had this on our boards…

A picture of Juliette Kristine and her husband with their new car which was featured on Juliette's business vision board example

As you can see from my business vision board example, I manifested so much of what I put on there and this is largely due to;

  1. Knowing how to create a powerful board (following the exact processes and steps I teach).

  2. Doing the energetic work to back it up (making sure I was doing the work to ALIGN myself with my manifestations on a daily basis).

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that my business focused vision board example has inspired you to get started on your own 💜.

Juliette xx

PS If you want to learn how to create your own powerful vision board that depicts your ultimate life. 


✔️ What to put on your board,

✔️ How many different areas or goals to focus on,

✔️ What timeframe to create your board and

✔️ How to choose powerful images

I cover all of this inside my Free Vision Board Masterclass which you can watch here.