Top 5 Best Crystals For Manifesting Success, Money & Abundance

The top performing crystals when it comes to attracting money, success and abundance.

There’s no debating that success, money and abundance go hand in hand, and this is especially true when it comes to manifesting using crystals.

This is because; manifesting is all about changing your frequency to DRAW things to you and crystals have unique properties that can naturally help you do this. 

Whether you are interested in using crystals to:

Manifest success in your life

Attract money and greater prosperity

Or, simply increase abundance in all areas

This article explains which stones to use and how to get the best possible results. If you’re interested in learning how to cleanse and charge your crystals see this post.

The Top 5 Best Crystals For Manifesting Success, Money & Abundance:


Whenever I look at a Citrine crystal I smile. There’s something about it’s yellow glow that is warm and inviting yet at the same time you can feel its POWER.

And rightly so, Citrine is known to be one of the best stones for manifestation and attracting wealth and prosperity (and also holding on to it - which is very important).

Not only does it have excellent properties for money but it can help greatly in areas of success (in career and business) due to the fact that it helps strengthen the Solar Plexus Chakra which is the centre of your personal will and power.

For this reason it helps you feel confident, take action when needed and set firm boundaries with others. All important qualities for running a successful business or reaching new levels in your career.

How to use it:

I love to keep Citrine in my office near my computer as it helps give me additional strength during the day to take action on my important business goals, and, has the added bonus of transmuting and dissipating negative energy.

2. Amethyst 

My personal favourite, and one of the most beautiful crystals out there - Amethyst.

In my work as a Manifestation Coach, Amethyst is the stone that I use the most to help me manifest, and this is because it helps to open the Third Eye Chakra.

*See picture below of my new Amethyst cluster.

Whenever you are trying to attract something into your life (whether that’s around money, success or even love), the more you can TUNE-IN and get clarity around what actions to take, the more successful you will be.

For this reason, Amethyst can be a wonderful aid in not only, gaining clarity and insights, but DEEPENING your spiritual connection overall.

How to use it:

Most manifesting tools work best when used in conjunction with something else. For example: Affirmations will become MORE powerful if you visualise what you want while you say them!

The same thing can be said about crystals. When you use them together with other manifesting techniques the energy can become extremely heightened.

For this reason, I always position my Amethyst near my vision board to bring an extra boost of energy to it! I also look into the crystal while I am visualising what’s on my board to receive CLEAR insights about actions I need to take - and it works a treat!

*If you’re interested in learning my secrets for creating a powerful vision board thats allows you to attract your desires with EASE, you can check out my Free Vision Board Training here.

Use crystals in conjunction with manifesting tools like vision boards for best results.

3. Black Tourmaline

While Black Tourmaline might not have the same magical abilities as Citrine and Amethyst I felt it was incredibly important to mention in the top 5 best crystals for attracting money and success for this reason;

Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful stones when it comes to grounding and protecting your energy.

Why is this important when you’re manifesting?

Because if you are constantly picking up on other people's negative energy you can store this in your Aura, and not only will it make you feel drained and ‘low vibe’, but it will directly affect your ability to manifest.

I remember years ago (before I started my coaching business) I had a brief stint working as an office coordinator and I had a manager (who was lovely) but so negative. 

Every time she would come around and talk to me I would feel totally wiped out after.

I then started carrying Black Tourmaline and I felt the effects INSTANTLY.

Now it's my go-to protection stone. Whenever I know that I will be in environments or around people that may be negative I make sure to carry it with me.

How to use it:

Place it in your pocket, handbag, wallet and carry it with you when you know you need extra protection.

4. Selenite 

Selenite might not be as common as the other stones mentioned but it is just as powerful.

Selenite is particularly good for enhancing clarity and focus which makes it perfect when it comes to helping in areas of money and success because it helps you perform at your best.

The other reason I love this particular stone for manifesting is because it helps you to connect with your higher-self, angels and spirit guides. It's wonderful for meditation and all types of spiritual work.

How to use it:

I love to place my Selenite crystal next to me while I am meditating to raise my vibration and heighten the energy, and I even place it on my oracle card decks before giving reading to call-in my spirit guides.

*One thing I should mention though is that I have found my Selenite crystal to be quite delicate so its not a stone I carry with me, rather I leave it in my office or bedroom when meditating.

5. Green Jade

Lastly, Green Jade is known to be a ‘lucky’ stone, increasing prosperity and abundance in all its forms.

Even though I don’t believe in relying on ‘luck’ when you are manifesting, this particular stone seems to have a natural ability to enhance good fortune and I have seen this in my own life.

For this reason I always carry a very small piece of Green Jade in my wallet - and I’ve definitely noticed an increase in abundance since.

How to use it:

Carry it in your wallet, place it in your office or other areas in the home.

As I mentioned earlier, using crystals in manifesting practice can be a great way to ENHANCE what you want to attract, and will be even more powerful when used in conjunction with other tools like vision boards.

If you want to learn my vision board secrets you can access my free training here. Where I reveal exactly how I used vision boards to manifest; Free Round-The-World Business Class Flights, My Soulmate, Booked Out Coaching Business and more…

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