7 Crazy Powerful Vision Board Ideas - That Get Results!

Manifestation Expert Juliette Kristine dancing in front of a large vision board with images to enhance manifestation. She has dark hair and is wearing a light grey knit dress.

Looking for new and exciting ways to take your 2024 vision board to the next level?

In this post I am going to share 7 crazy powerful ideas that will UP-LEVEL the power of your vision board so you can attract your desires more EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY.

Some of these techniques were the exact processes that led me to manifesting; my soulmate, dream home, free round-the-world biz class flights and becoming fully booked in my business (without spending money on ads or marketing!).

Keep reading to learn my favourite tips and tricks to take your vision board to new heights.

7 Crazy Powerful Vision Board Ideas - That Get Results!

1. Create A Hard Copy Board (Not Digital)

I know ‘creating a hard copy board’ doesn’t sound like a crazy powerful vision board idea but it’s often the place where people go wrong, right from the start when they create a board which can cause it to LEAK POWER and I’ll explain why.

When you create a digital vision board it’s like you are leaving it in an INVISIBLE form. 

Now I'm not suggesting that your board won’t work at all if it’s digital, it’s just that it will be even MORE POWERFUL if you take your ideas and make them into something PHYSICAL, because in doing so you are progressing an extra step in the manifesting process.

You could compare this to ‘thinking’ about an affirmation, as opposed to ‘writing’ it down.

There will always be ADDITIONAL POWER when you translate an idea or thought into something physical (by writing it down or creating something) as you are being even MORE intentional with your manifestation and the universe will respond to this.

In fact, a famous psychic medium once told me that when you create a physical vision board a powerful vortex of energy begins spinning around it, putting in motion everything that you want to attract.

2. Hide intentions within the images

One thing that can totally derail your board (and prevent your manifesting from working altogether) is if you are in an energy of ‘need’ or ‘attachment’ around your desires. This is because; you cannot be attached to something and have it manifest, for it defies the universal law of attraction.

You must be able to surrender to manifest.

A trick to help you overcome these feelings is to hide specific intentions within images of your board this way it won’t trigger you when you look at it, but you’re still making it CLEAR to the universe what you want.

Below is an example of how I did this when I was trying to manifest 6 figures in my business for the very first time.

I actually hid the number $120,000 within an image so I could only see it when I was up close and that same year I manifested almost that exact amount (to the dollar!).

Vision board idea example - hiding words within images

If you’re interested in learning exactly how to do this, here’s a quick video I recorded using Canva to alter the image.

*For a comprehensive list of the best printable vision board quotes and affirmations see this post!

100 of the BEST vision board quotes to put on your board now.

3. Choose images that look like you as it will make it more believable

Lots of people think that they can use any type of image they want on their board, but this won’t always produce the best results.

If you want to really UP-LEVEL your board and take it to the next level, it needs to make you believe that everything on it - IS YOUR REALITY!

And one of the easiest and simplest ways to do this is by choosing images of someone who already LOOKS LIKE YOU, living the life you want to live.

Here is an example of one of my business vision boards where I chose images that depict someone who looks like me. This way, every time I looked at it, I FELT like it was me living that life which helped me manifest what I wanted even QUICKER,

If you’re interested in learning more about creating a business vision board click here.

4. Make sure you are in alignment

This point isn’t so much about your vision board as it is about YOU.

When you are choosing what to put on your board and what to focus on, you need to make sure that you are in alignment with the things you are asking for, otherwise your board can trigger feelings of doubt, taking you out of alignment with what you want to attract.

For example; If you desire to manifest love, and you place images of wedding rings and marriage but when you look at it, you find it hard to BELIEVE IT, your board won’t be producing the right feelings within you to manifest what you want.

Likewise, if you want to manifest more money and success but looking at pictures of someone living a ‘lap-top’ lifestyle, with suitcases full of money - JUST DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT - again, your board won’t be producing the right feelings within you to work at MAXIMUM capacity.

If you want to know how to make sure you are in ALIGNMENT with your manifestations, this is something I cover in detail in my latest Free Vision Board Masterclass which you can register for here.

5. Reverse engineer the vision board process 

Another idea you can use to transform you vision board is to start off by asking yourself the question:

How will my desires make me FEEL when I have manifested them?

For example: If you are desiring to manifest more money, perhaps the feeling that it will bring you is FREEDOM.

Or, if you are desiring to manifest love, it could be CONNECTION.

You can then use those specific words on your vision board to help ANCHOR you to those feelings, which will further help you to ‘become the energy of what you want to attract’ and become a vibrational match to what you desire. 

6. Place your vision board somewhere private

While it’s true that you need to look at your vision board in order for it to work properly, what lots of people don’t know is that:

Exposing your board to people who do not support your goals and manifestations 100% can actually affect your energy and vibration and therefore the success of your board.

This is because; you need to treat all of your manifestations like a new baby in the womb. Only tell people when they are at a more developed stage.

For this reason, some great ways to overcome this is to place your vision board somewhere YOU can easily see it, and others can’t.

For example: Placing your vision board behind the door to your bedroom (so you will be able to view it when you close the door, but others won’t) or even inside a wardrobe.

One of my manifesting students even went as far as creating a vision board that had doors on it so she could close it up!

7. Make it come alive

Your vision board doesn’t need to be one dimensional so this last idea is about thinking outside the box!

Try adding things like crystals or feathers to it to give it an extra layer of DIMENSION and POWER.

Not only will this add to the beauty of your board but it will also give it more meaning, which can help you to produce more feelings when you look at it, which will help you attract your desires even quicker!

Juliette xx

PS If you want to fast-track your manifesting make sure you check out my latest Free Vision Board Masterclass that covers all my secrets for SUPERCHARGING the power of your vision board so you can manifest your desires with EASE.

Manifestation Coach and Expert Juliette Kristine showcasing her client results and expertise

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