What Is Manifestation? 4 Steps To Attract Anything You Want!
What Is Manifestation?
Learn how to manifest anything you want using this simple process…
Manifesting Abundance - How To Manifest Abundance Instantly
Manifesting abundance is one of my favourite topics to discuss and this is because; abundance is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life.
And the truth is; abundance is available to ALL of us, ALL the time.
We just need to ALIGN ourselves properly with it, so it shows up in our experience.
4 Steps To Manifest Money - FAST
We have all had moments in our lives where we need to Manifest Money Quickly.
But the problem with this is;
When we are stressed and anxious about money, we actually lower our vibration and make it harder to RECEIVE it!
Can You Jinx Your Manifesting?
If you’ve ever wondered if you have “jinxed” something, then it’s likely you’re the type of person to say “touch wood” or even throw salt over your left shoulder from time to time.
And while according to the Oxford Dictionary the term “Jinx” means: “a person or thing that brings bad luck”, when we use the term in conjunction with manifesting we are usually referring to the fact that we believe we have sabotaged our manifesting efforts as a result of talking about them.
How To Surrender Your Desires To The Universe - 6 Powerful Ways
One of the things I found so frustrating when I first started manifesting was people telling me to simply “SURRENDER” my desires to the universe!
I hated being told this because:
Firstly, (on a deeper level) I knew they were right, and secondly, I didn’t know HOW to surrender.
I remember feeling so depressed about the whole thing because I couldn’t comprehend how I was meant to just “LET GO” of the thing I most wanted to manifest.
How I Work as a Manifestation Coach
I felt called to share a more intimate post with you today, one that gives more of a “behind the scenes” look at how I work as a Manifestation Coach.
Because, the truth is, the way I work is actually very different to what a lot of people think.
In fact, I can assure you that whatever image you may have conjured up in your mind about what it would be like to work with a Manifestation Coach is a far cry from what it’s like to work with me, and I’ll explain why ;) ...