Manifestation Coach - How To Choose The Right LOA COACH For You!
Manifestation Coaching is fast becoming the next big thing for those wanting to create quantum leaps in their life.
Think; lucrative business deals, big name clients and more…
How To Find Alignment When You're Manifesting
Finding alignment with your manifestations is crucial if you want your desires to show up easily and effortlessly in your experience.
If you follow me on Instagram then you may have seen me post about how I was fortunate enough to be featured in the amazing Sunday Life Magazine on the weekend after contributing to an article on Abundance.
How I Work as a Manifestation Coach
I felt called to share a more intimate post with you today, one that gives more of a “behind the scenes” look at how I work as a Manifestation Coach.
Because, the truth is, the way I work is actually very different to what a lot of people think.
In fact, I can assure you that whatever image you may have conjured up in your mind about what it would be like to work with a Manifestation Coach is a far cry from what it’s like to work with me, and I’ll explain why ;) ...
3 Reasons Why Your Manifesting Isn’t Working
As a manifestation coach I get asked this question (a lot):
Why isn’t my manifesting working?
Now, as much as everyone is unique and has their own set of challenges in this area, I have found that the reason your manifesting isn’t working is usually quite simple.
In fact, I believe it can be narrowed down to:
3 Reasons why your manifesting isn’t working!